Saturday, May 4, 2013

Who is Phil Sanderson?

I am a former Marine Corps photojournalist who took a long break from my writing.  Throughout the years, I have dabbled with fiction. But only recently have I decided to get serious about it and attempt a go of becoming a (hopefully) bestselling author!

My mother, my wife, my aunt, and various others are supporting me in this exciting endeavor as I write my very first full-length novel:  2018: An Uncivil War.  I plan to release the novel on Amazon Kindle by Summer 2013, preferably by July 4, if at all possible.  And I also plan to publish the printed book under AuthorHouse by (hopefully) September 2013. 

I have started this blog in an effort to keep everyone posted as to my progress in completion of this project which is most dear to my heart!  From time to time, I may even feature certain subjects pertinent to the material I will be writing about.  If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to drop me a line or two!  ;) 

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